Audio, Video files on a web page

Firework from GasWorks Park on the Independence Day. It tooks super long to figure out how to put a video on my blog. Finally, took me where I was aspiring to go!!!!!!!


We use <img> tag and 4 attributes src(source), alt, width and height. <img src="image.jpg" alt="black dog" width="400" height="300"> "alt"is for those who can't see the screen. For them, we explain what the image is about."Width"&"Height"is for browser. We cannot control the size with these attribut…

Home People Prices Contact Linkedin LearningにてHTMLの授業を受けているがURLの構造、ナビゲーションバーの作り方のところでよくわからなくなった。具体的には何のためにこの説明をしているのかがわからず集中ができなかった。しかしながら、ハイパーリン…

HTML for me Part.3

ARIA Role ※This article is written in simple HTML elements. For tech-savvys, please enjoy how I develop my HTML skills as I keep writing articles. What is ARIA Roles?? ARIA Roles is another type of Attributes that can be added to any HTML …

HTML for me Part.2

over and over ■ ※Caution This article is written only with simple HTML elements("p","dl","h1", etc...) Let's dive into more complicated part of HTML Linkedin learning で記事書きたいね Attributes HTML attributes provide additional informati…

HTML for me

September 9, 2022 a week ago a week ago ※use date for serch engine. Let engines know that the article was written on that date. It won't happen if you just write down the date with "p"code What is HTML?? This is a paragraph. This is what w…



