HTML for me

※use date for serch engine. Let engines know that the article was written on that date. It won't happen if you just write down the date with "p"code

What is HTML??

This is a paragraph. This is what we call paragraph

This is an article.

This is how I really talk

This is the headline 2

This is the headline 3

This is the headline4

This is is the headline 5
This is the headline 6

My favorite character in Attack on Titan is Elen.

When you see favorite and Attack on Titan, you may think that both of them are italiacized. But technically it is different. The word favorite is emphasized on the background while Attack on Titan is just italiacized. On the surface, they look same, but when you listen to these words, you can see the differences.

Strong is recommended to use in the last resort. It works in the similar(almost the same) way as Bold. I cannot tell the difference but let's remember this.

Unordered lists

Place to visit in Seattle

  • Pike Place Market
  • Space Needle
  • Mount Rainer

↓here I'm using "br" code to insert three lines of break before going into the next topic.↓

How to spell number in English
Ordered lists
  1. One
  2. Two
  3. Three
  4. Four
Definition lists

How's it goin'?

How's it goin'?
-used to say as a greeting when people meet someone
-it is another form of "Hello", so when you hear this, people doe not necessarily want to know how things around you are going these days.
-some people does not like this greeting, simply because it means nothing.

One of my favorite quotes are Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.

Why so serious?

Why so serious?

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
This is 
"pre" coding, 
                                        where browswer maintain 
                the style of the paragraph 
                                                   as it is.
You don't need to put "p""/p", which bring these scattered sentences all together in one plain sentence like this.

Subscripts & Superscripts

-used when you want to make some words smaller like when writing chemical formula

-used when you want to put a footnote on a sentence, or when you wanna put an index in math equation
210=1024→210=1024, Something with a footnotes.2


This is a


of the paragraph


tag line here
